Vermont became the 14ths state on March 4th 1791. Vermont is commonly known as the "Green Mountain" state, a name that comes from the French words "verts monts". It is no surprise that the name is given to the state as Vermont is a beautiful tree filled mountainous state.
Origin of state's name: The name Vermont comes from the French word for Green Mountain.
Capital city: The capital city of Vermont is Montpelier and the state is surrounded by several other states including Massachusetts, New Hampshire and New York.
Population: The population of Vermont is approximately 600,000 people based on the last census in 2000.
Driver's license information, applications, testing requirements, Driver's manuals and testing locations can all be found on the Vermont Department of Motor vehicles website.
Economy: Vermont and Maple Syrup are nearly always mentioned in the same sentence and the state has a long history in making maple syrup and is famous for such. Vermont is also famous for it skiing so tourism is also a big contributor to the states economy as is dairy farming, fruit harvesting, and any industry associated with wood such as furniture making, paper manufacture and publishing.
State Flower: The state flower is the Red Clover which grows wild throughout the state in files and along the highways. The Red clover has purplish colored flower and gives the fields in which it grows a purplish color during the Summer season
State Bird: The state bird is the Hermit Thrush or Turdus Solitrius. The Hermit Thrush is often seeing flying low to the ground or on the ground. This bird prefers warmer climates and is most commonly found in greater numbers in the southern states where it generally lives on fruits and berries.
State Song: The state song is "These Green Mountains" which sings the praises of this great state and its beauty.
State Motto: The state motto is "Freedom and Unity"